Press Release Regarding The Handing Over Ceremony Of The Modernization Of The Archives In The Center For Islamic Research, Abu Dis, Jerusalem

Kudüs Başkonsolosluğu 20.02.2013

The Government of the Republic of Türkiye donated to the Center for Heritage and Islamic Research of the State of Palestine fire alarm systems, necessary air-conditioning for the preservation of the archive materials, and furniture, and contributed to the extension of the physical capacity of the archives.

The project was conducted by Turkish International Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) and costed 270,000 US Dollars in total.

The completion of the handing over of the contributions was celebrated with a ceremony that took place in Center for Heritage and Islamic Research, in Abu Dis-Jerusalem, yesterday (19 February) with the participation of H.E. Ambassador Şakir Özkan Torunlar, Consul General of Türkiye in Jerusalem, H.E. Mahmoud Al-Habash, Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs of the State of Palestine.

During his speech Ambassador Torunlar emphasized that without writing the history of Jerusalem and Palestine neither the history of Islam, nor the history of Arabs could be written. These archives are also of utmost importance in accurate writing of the common history between Türkiye and Palestine. Ambassador Torunlar also stressed that the Government of the Republic of Türkiye will continue to cooperate with the State of Palestine in order to preserve our common heritage and culture.

Minister Habash welcomed the donation and expressed the gratitude of the Government of Palestine during the ceremony.

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A photo taken during the ceremony


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